


Brain cells, hair cells and skin cells – they all die constantly. But freaking fat cells seem to have eternal life.

  • A Face-lift technically known as a Rhytidectomy. “Excision”, surgical removal of wrinkles. This is a type of cosmetic surgical procedure used to give a more youthful, facial appearance. There are multiple surgical techniques and exercise routines. Surgery usually involves removal of excess facial skin, with or without the tightening of underline tissues, and the re-draping of the skin on the patient’s face and neck. Exercise routines tone underline facial muscles without surgery. Surgical face lift is effectively combined with eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and other facial procedures and are typically performed under general anesthesia or deep twilight slip.
  • Our faces are usually the first thing someone notices about us. It is how without words, others know our inner monologue – whether we are thrilled or disappointed at news, whether we are annoyed or elated and whether we are happy or sad.
  • This can be through furrowing of an eyebrow, a huge smile, or even flaring of nostrils. These repetitive facial expressions leave small reminders on the face. These reminders along with smoking, drinking, sun exposure, pollution over time will decrease facial elasticity, create fine lines and wrinkles and roughen texture of skin.
  • Even when we do everything we can, sometimes youthfulness of our faces can elude us. One way to regain our external youth, and create a lasting impression is by creating more supple facial skin.
  • It is known that a facelift is the most effective way to regain a youthful look. However, since not all people are candidates for surgery either for health reasons, or because the patient’s skin will not co-operate with a facelift.

Are you thinking about your ageing look?

  • A face – lift can be an option you can think upon.
  • Earlier face lifts just tightened skin using faraday’s currents, then come the radio frequency, whereas these days face lifts with the HIFU technology does more by repositioning muscle, skin and fat.
  • The best candidates for non-surgical face lift treatment are people who show some signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity. Generally, includes people post mid – 30s to 70s, although older people occasionally opt for it.
  • Before you get a face lift, you should be in a good health and have realistic expectations. A face lift won’t completely erase your age but will definitely bring you a younger and refreshed look.